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Provide up to 3 additional links to any websites which showcase your work

The following guidance explains the definitions for each category you selected. Please follow this guidance for providing more information about your work:


On BIPOC in Fiber, ‘academics’ are lecturers, professors and researchers currently engaged in teaching and/or researching in a fibre-related field.

Please tell us: details of your field of study, where you currently teach, your current research interests, any published papers you have written, etc..


On BIPOC in Fiber, ‘authors’ have been the main author of a published book on a fibre-related topic. This could be a non-fiction title about a particular fibre craft or a book of patterns.

To be listed as on author, the book(s) must be published by a publisher or printing press (e.g. not self-published).


On BIPOC in Fiber, ‘bloggers’ are...

What fibre activities does your work involve? (Select all that apply) *

If you work professionally in the fibre industry in any capacity and are black, indigenous or a person of colour, we'd love you to join BIPOC in Fiber!


Please complete this survey to register your interest in being added in the BIPOC in Fiber directory. While we actively encourage everyone to participate in fibre crafts, the main purpose of BIPOC in Fiber and its directory is to specifically profile those currently running fibre focussed businesses and/or working in roles allied to the fibre industry.

Directory Application

If you work professionally in the fibre industry in any capacity and are black, indigenous or a person of colour, we'd love you to join BIPOC in Fiber!


Please complete our survey to register your interest in being added in the BIPOC in Fiber directory. While we actively encourage everyone to participate in fibre crafts, the main purpose of BIPOC in Fiber and its directory is to specifically profile those currently running fibre focussed businesses and/or working in roles allied to the fibre industry.

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