United States
Crochet Designer
Ami Ndiaye
Ami Ndiaye was first taught to crochet by her best friend's mother when she was a teenager in Senegal but after crocheting for just a couple of years she moved onto new interests.
A few years ago, whilst battling anxiety and panic attacks, a friend mentioned an article that discussed how working/creating by hand could be calming and relaxing. This prompted her to start crocheting again and since then she crochets every day.
Ami finds that it helps her stay calm, relaxed and in control of her thoughts: moving from furious to calm stitching and now, creating her own patterns. As a trained chemist who currently still works full time testing consumer products for a leading nonprofit organisation crochet remains her hobby but Ami has self published several patterns including crochet tops, sweaters and accessories that are available in her Ravelry Pattern Store and on Etsy.