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United Kingdom

Fiber/Textile Artist, Spinner, Indie Dyer

Charmaine Wombwell

Charmaine Wombwell is the owner and hand dyer behind London based yarn brand, Yarn Tings.

With a background in theatre, music and cabaret, Charlotte first took up knitting while pregnant and, in her own words, soon became obsessed.

“I use paint and colour a lot in my creative practice, and what’s so great about yarn is that it’s colour you are supposed to touch, so my eye turned to how I could play with it. Not long after I had my child, YarnTings was born.”

For Charmaine, Yarn Tings is a bold, joyous celebration of colour and texture. She loves how fibres like silk, and blends like camel/silk and yak/silk absorb colour. And, as they’re also among her favourite yarns to knit, they’re often included in the collection which adds an autobiographical element to the brand’s story.

“Being autistic means I have a tendency to obsess. I have experimented with lots of different wools and fibres and have a few favourites: like Bluefaced Leicester/silk blends, which are lush. I see fibre and yarn as a wonderful way of creating tactile artworks, and how brilliant that you can wear them too!”

The collection is available to buy from the yarn Tings store on Etsy.

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