Hi, it’s Jeanette here. Welcome to the brand new BIPOC in Fiber website!
Having grown out of discussions about the lack of diversity in crafting, the directory we’ve created here highlights the work of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour working in the fibre community; some of whom you’ll know, others who’ll be new to you.

As you know this is a BIPOC - led collective where we work as a team and you can find out more about us on the Meet The Team page. But we'd also like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who backed our Crowdfunder campaign last year because you’ve helped to make this possible.
On a more personal note I’d especially like to thank the amazing Alyson Chu who took a chance, got in contact with me on Ravelry and offered to use her web design skills to help turn my POC Designers & Crafters list into something more. In her talented hands, it’s grown from a simple list into this new website which is more, so much more!
I’d also like to thank the ever wise and multi talented Lorna Hamilton Brown for her invaluable input, support - oh, and of course - for designing the BIPOC in Fiber logo! Mention should also go to Jimenez Joseph who used her many years of graphic design expertise to create our digital badges and promotional artwork, Sandra Meadows who has agreed to come onboard as consultant and the amazing allies who not only helped with our Crowdfunder campaign but continue to give the project their passionate support. To all of you, thank you so much.

Working on this site has been both exciting and amazing as we’re constantly learning about new talent and discovering the true richness and diversity of this community. And, while there’s just 100 BIPOC in Fiber listed on the website at the moment, we’ve literally got hundreds more people and businesses to add. So, if we’ve been in touch with you but you’re not yet on the site, don’t worry - we haven’t forgotten about you! Please keep visiting because there will be regular updates as more designers, makers, dyers, retailers, writers, events and much more, are added. Also keep an eye out for the addition of our Resources page which will be a permanent feature of the site and our monthly BIPOC Profiles, the first of which will be published on May 8th.
The current COVID-19 pandemic has meant the cancellation of many events causing businesses to lose so much of their expected income for this year. These are tough, uncertain times for us all but the launch of this website is an opportunity to show BIPOC - owned businesses your support. Buy from them if you can, explore the website, spread the word and shout about what they do.
Our website is a wonderful, positive resource for the whole community and we can’t wait to see how you'll use it.
Stay safe and well
Jeanette, Founder of BIPOC in Fiber